
This is my personal journey to weight loss and learning about myself and my addiction to food. Up front, I want to say that I've heard it all regarding this protocol, as far as, you're starving yourself and you're going to gain every bit of the weight back when you start eating again. I understand your concern, I know that when you haven't read, "Pounds and Inches" by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, MD , it may seem like a dangerous diet. I am a Registered Nurse and when I first heard about the protocol I was also alarmed about it and the 500 calories. My mom and sister both started hCG and I was completely against it, but I did the research.  After seeing the success from my family, I will be doing this under the supervision of a doctor who will measure my body fat to make sure that I'm losing fat and not lean muscle.  He will also monitor my blood work.

It was either do the hCG protocol or have bariatric surgery. Below is an incerpt I took from the mayo clinic website.

Risks with Surgery

Excessive bleeding
Adverse reaction to anesthesia
Blood Clots
Lung or breathing problems
Leaks in your gastrointestinal system
Death (rare)

Long-term Risks after Surgery

Bowel obstruction
Dumping syndrome (diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting)
Stomach perforation
Death (rare)

I know there are some people out there that say the best way to lose weight is by watching your calories and exercising. I agree. I've tried that and have never been successful. I have over 140 pounds to lose. I have high blood pressure, risk for cancer, risk for stroke, risk for MI, risk for diabetes, risk for "insert disease here" because I'm morbidly obese. I have to get down to a healthier weight so that I can get out and exercise and detox from the sugar and carbs, which is what I'm doing while on hCG. I know that there will always be people out there who will not agree with what I am doing, and I respect your opinion. This is my choice and my journey.

I also want to point out that my mom and my sister both released over 100 pounds while doing hCG five years ago, and are both maintaining that loss today. They've changed their diet and eat healthy and have learned how to maintain their loss while eating over 1500 calories a day and exercising. This journal is all about learning to eat the right kind of food and seeing how my body reacts. This is not just a weight loss program for me, this is figuring out how my body reacts to food and what I can and can't eat in order to maintain a healthy weight. I would love to have support from readers who respect my decision and want to cheer me on. Thanks for stopping by!

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